Wednesday, June 22, 2011

KIRSTEN: A weekend in Dresden


This past Saturday morning we took the train to Dresden for two days and a night. On the way to Dresden, we made two stops one in Meiβen, where we spent several hours walking through the streets and then Albrechtschloss. After leaving Meiβen, we got back on the train for about twenty minutes and went to Radebeul. There we went to the Karl May, who wrote about cowboys and Indians, museum and watched people dressed up as Indians dance.


Once we made it to Dresden we went to the hostel and got our rooms. Although the rooms were bigger than they are in our hostel in Magdeburg, they were a bit depressing because of the lack of things on the walls and around the room. After being in the room for a few minutes, we all met again in the lobby and went to see some of the night life of Dresden. One of the funniest things of the night was the big group of guys that walked up to us to try and get us to buy stuff from them because one was getting married the next day.


On Sunday, we went to most of the same places that we had gone to the night before but we were getting to see them in a different lighting now. The first place that we went that morning was the treasury. My favorite room in the treasury had one side that had ostrich eggs that had been made into cups. There were five “walking ostriches” as they were called that had moveable wings that people could actually drink from them, but you had to be very skilled to be able to use the cup, otherwise you would break it. My favorite part of the day was having Kaffee und Kuchen.

Magdeburg 2011 063

I was really excited about having Kirschkuchen (cherry cake) and my diet Pepsi. After a long day of walking around and getting rained on yet again, it was nice to be back on a train to Magdeburg. Getting off the train in a place where I knew exactly where to go was nice, and being back in our room in the hostel felt like home.

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