Monday, June 20, 2011

KENDALL: Serendipity


Last Friday I was talking to Annabelle about how I would like to have a chance to talk with Germans our age instead of trying to see the culture through museums and such. That late afternoon I decided to take a walk through the park by myself instead of hanging out with my classmates again. I was just sort of observing the people; I noticed there were very few people out alone. As I was walking around a turn I saw a girl around my age walking alone, our eyes met and so I reflexively nodded to her. She stopped and turned around and asked in German, do I know you? I paused and said no, and she asked why I had nodded to her. I thought for a moment and then said that it was because I am American, and it is just a thing many people do to be polite. She was interested that I was an American and said she was walking alone because her friend flaked out on her if I wanted to join her. She was happy to practice her English and we walked around the park talking, and then got a few drinks at a local bar before I headed back to the hostel. It seemed very serendipitous that I meet a german my age wanting to talk by random chance on the very day I was commenting on wanting that. I was very pleased and learned a good bit.

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